Youth Energy Summit 2023 Summit Highlights:

We connected 1,000 entrepreneurs, students, educators and early career professionals in Nairobi, with key stakeholders in the energy industry

With the support of the Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP), we funded travel and accommodation for the attending youth who needed it most.

A $5,000 prize fund was awarded to develop the best sustainable energy solution in the YES! Youth Entrepreneurs Energy Showdown.

We honoured champions in youth and energy, with awards presented by His Excellency Dr William S. Ruto, President of Kenya.

Exciting, empowering and inspirational. These are just some of the words people have used to describe the Youth Energy Summit, which takes place alongside the Africa Energy Forum (aef) annually!
The Youth Energy Summit has been successfully launched in Brussels (2022), expanded in Nairobi (2023) and is will return in June in Cape Town. This summit has united hundreds of stakeholders in the energy industry with African students, young entrepreneurs and early career professionals.
The upcoming 2025 summit is anticipated to be the most extensive to date, with YES! aiming to contribute significantly to addressing socio-economic issues in Africa.
For Full Details, Check Out the 2023 Post-Show Report

Foundational Partner

Corporate Partner

Associate Partners

African Law Students' Association (ALSA)


Clean Cooking Alliance

Energy Commission Ghana

Green Energy Mission





Power Africa

Power Learn Project


SDG7 – Youth Constituency


Strathmore University

Student Energy

Sustainable Energy For All

The Energy Intelligence

The National Youth Caucus Kenya



A.P. Moller Capital


African Trade Insurance Agency


Ariya Finergy

Kenyatta University


Sosian Energy

The Challenges Group (Challenges)

Yali Regional Leadership Center
Kenya Private Sector Alliance Partner


The Challenge
The challenge is not a competition, the challenge is not who will succeed first – the challenge is to electrify a continent & create the conditions for economic empowerment.
Africa is the youngest and fastest-growing continent in the world. According to the IMF, population growth on the continent means that, by 2035, there will be more young Africans entering the workforce each year than in the rest of the world combined. Properly harnessed, this young growing working-age population can drive Africa’s economic transformation.
However, this opportunity could also pass Africa by. Currently the majority of youth do not have secure work or economic futures. Of the 420 million youth aged between 15 and 35 in Africa today, the majority are unemployed, have insecure jobs or are in casual employment. The consequence of this translates into a failure to capitalise on one of the continent’s greatest assets for growth – its large growing population of talented young people.
On a continent where over 50% of Africans do not have access to electricity, not only is there a huge opportunity to develop energy projects for employment, but also to harness that energy for economic development.